Marko starta ob 13:07 (+9ur za Slovenijo). Prvo so ženske, nato krajša varianta Race across the West, nato so solo tekmovalci. Zadnji startajo zadnji trije zmagovalci, pred njimi pa Marko.

Ure pred startom letijo mimo, kot bi bile minute in kljub številčni ekipi, je težko vse hitro opraviti. Večino potrebnega smo prinesli s sabo, nekaj z Slovenije, nekaj je prinesel Shawn. Potem sledi kaos, ki se zdaj že rutinirano spravi v red.


Toliko vsega se je zgodilo, da bi lahko že pred startom napisali knjigo o vseh spletkah in razpletkah. Zato se vrnimo iz Oceansidea, kjer se trenutno nahajamo, nazaj v Palm Springs.

It's on! My KICKSTARTER project has just been launched!

We have until the finish of RAAM 2013 to reach our goal and start the project. The goal is to sell 400 books "Don't give up!", so please do tell all your friends about it. 

If you'd like to read a tale of an ordinary man beating the odds against him, taking on an extra-ordinary task of crossing the continent in less than 10 days and trying to win the hardest sporting event in the World, this is a book for you!

After a medical check on Monday (thank you dr. Andrews!), we drove to Palm Springs for heat acclimatisation. Along the coast the temperature is only around 20 to 25 degrees, a few tens of miles inland and you get quick rise to 40+C.

With Irma we've already been in San Diego for a few days, where we are being hosted by our American friends. Many thanks to Amy, Pat, Bob & Teri for their hospitality! We were also honored at Saturday's dinner and today's cycling trip at "Pacific Coast Highway", which was attended by a nice bunch of my American fans. The ride was rather short due to my medical condition, more about it below.


Watch the video trailer "Marko Baloh racing RAAM 2013"

Considering this year's competitors at RAAM, I am more of an underdog, waiting for the favorites to crack. It suits me really, as it lowers the pressure on me and gives me a chance to race my own race, without looking what other favorites do. If everything goes according to plan, I am sure the result under 9 days is in my legs and with a bit of luck, I could get much closer to 8 days, which will be neccessary to fulfil my dream of winning the toughest race in the World - RAAM!

This was my 7th DOS, this time in a slightly different version. For the first I started as a member of the 2-person team named TEAM DEBITEL. My partner was a good friend from early cycling days, Iztok Melanšek. Before the race we had more questions than answers - can we beat more than 30 years younger rival team How the team will operate without any pre-training sessions? How will Iztok do after almost 40 hours of racing and especially how will he manage to survive the second night without sleep, when it is known that it is the last night that decides a race? The answers after the race are all positive, the team has worked as a professional team, Iztok has proved to be more than perfect partner and the end result is a VICTORY!


Sponzorja CVS iN DEBITEL sta nam letos omogočila "privatni" GPS tracking, za slučaj pač, če bo server organizatorja (spet) padel dol in za tiste, ki vas najbolj zanima kdaj se bomo pojavili v vašem kraju in nas boste tule najlažje in najbolj ažurno lahko spremljali: 


Še samo dva dni je do starta prve letošnej ultra-dirke zame. Dirka okoli Slovenije oz. DOS tokrat malce drugače, v konkurenci dvojic. Zakaj je padla taka odločitev sem razložil že v tem članku:

DOS v konkurenci dvojic 

On Saturday, the plan was to do a few laps of the charity cycling event in Grosuplje, organized by the Association of TurboKatka, then continue my training ride towards Novo Mesto to congratulate my father in law for his 60th birthday. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t allow me to do exactly what I planned, because I don’t really like to go out in the rain. Luckily for me, I have an understanding wife, as well as father- and mother-in-law, so they gave me the permision to go for a bike ride soon after lunch.


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