What can I say. Picture is not perfect due to overtaken car, but what can you do. This is it, after 10 years and after 7th RAAM crossin throu there.
Planed or not, this year for the first time through Monument Valley during the day. Usually it was nightime due to earlier start time or higher speed. Finally Marko will have the picture of this spectacular view point. I hope he will go through as he was last November when he was here before becoming UMCA 24h World Championship winner.
For sure you are all waiting for the news. sorry about that, there was low internet coverage and one “don’t wanna work’ charger for my laptop. But believe me, it’s still just the beginning, will be lot’s to say. But the most important news today is....our sun Erik has a birthday!
Prva menjava ekipe je za nami. Predvidevali smo, da nas bodo ustavili na mejni kontroli in ravno to se je zgodilo. Menjava bi bila še hitrejša, če ne bi bil pred nami Reto, ki ni imel potnega lista poleg in smo morali počakati. Ekipa v avtodomu se je odpeljala naprej in čakamo na četrti kontrolni točki. Iz sledilnega vozila sporočajo, da je Marko super, da se vozi na vidni razdalji za švicarjem Reto Schochom na tretjem mestu, vodilni je Christopher Strasser. Temperatura se je spustila, veter se je umiril. Lokalni čas je 4 zjutraj, zato naš čaka še nekaj ur preden se zdani.
When the start happens everything flyes by so quickly. Swiss guys Reto Schoch and Dani Wyss started quick, so do the Austrians Christopher Strasser and David Misch. Well, the difference between them is just a mile or two, they are still packed. After Time station 2 we are at third position.
After the start the temperature rised quickly and it riched 45C in “the own” we called the Borrego Springs. But now its getting slowly down. Probably everybody had some heat issues and just out of TS2 some smelling one.
You can follow the riders on http://www.tractalis.com/raam2013/
Miha, Denis, Borut, Andrej, Shawn, Joni, Dex, Shawn in Irma
Vse priprave so za nami, zdaj gre zares. Ura šteje minute in se za nič ne ustavi.
Dan pred dirko se nam je pridružila še zadnja članica, tako da je sedaj ekipa popolna.
Ste pripravljeni? Mi smo ;) Glejte nas v živo!
Are you ready? We are ;) We are live!