After two days of rest and licking my wounds it is probably time to tell you firsthand what has happened at RAS. It is always difficult to DNF the race, and it has not yet happened to me to have to DNF from leadership positions. It was difficult because of a great crew and awesome fans everywhere along the route at all possible times of the day. The hardest it was probably for me because I do not like withdrawing at all.
My feelings are perhaps best told by Ali on my FB page:
‘Marko, sometimes it takes more courage to decide to end early because the health of the athlete is at stake, rather than try to be brave and carry on with the race at all costs until the end. Hat off to people like you! The real winner for me is the one who says to himself: "I was great, I gave my best, but my health is more important than victory! " Compliments to you and the whole crew. For me, you are true winners! Get well as soon as possible.’
Thanks for your nice words Ali!
Letos se je start dirke začel že ob šesti uri, start Markota točno ob 18:44. Zadnja meritev trase je pokazala razdaljo 1205 km in dobrih 14.000 višinskih metrov.
My racing equipment is finally ready and you can see it all here. Like the last couple of years my shorts&jerseys are made by Slovenian cycling clothing company BANEM. My bike is LOOK, the wheels FFWD, shoes BONT, glasses ADIDAS and the helmet (not in the photo) is made by KALI Protectives. Top of the notch gear for top of the notch racing!
After a particularly hard and long winter it is time for the first real test of the season, the only ultra-cycling race in Slovenia and one of the best races in the World - RACE AROUND SLOVENIA 2014. The two months of forced “rest” because of the broken shoulder and the subsequent two months rehabilitation didn’t do me any favors in preparation for it, so I have mixed feelings about it. Some people have already declared me as a favorite, but little do they know what a 2 months break can mean with such a grueling event as a 1.200km cycling race. So, I try to look at it realistically.
Po pokvarjeni zimi, zelo malo treninga zaradi zlomljene rame in sredi vsakodnevnega obiskovanja terapij, ki naj bi mi povrnile normalno gibljivost leve rame, sem se odločil, da vendarle startam na Dirki okoli Slovenije v posamični konkurenci. V bistvu je odločitev padla že lansko leto, saj sva z Melyjem pometla s konkurenco dvojic, popravila rekord in večji izziv kot ponovitev vožnje v dvojicah mi predstavlja vprašanje ali se pri svojih letih še lahko kosam z “mladinci”, ki prihajajo za mano. Torej je bilo v tem trenutku treba le razmisliti o tem ali dovolj verjamem v to, da se bom uspel pripraviti v taki meri, da bi bil konkurenčen kljub poškodbi.
Pridružite se mi na že tradicionalnem prednovoletnem kolesarjenju in hkrati prispevajte v proračun moje ekipe za sezono 2014. Zaključimo skupaj leto 2013 in nazdravimo letu 2014.
Sam se bom gotovo pridružil, a žal ne na kolesu zaradi poškodbe rame. Bom pa tam, da skupaj nazdravimo novemu letu 2014. :)
(fotka je s starta lanske prednovoletne runde)
I’ve been thinking about doing the Sebring 12/24h Cycling Race for a very long time. All of my friends (Hoppo, Valerio, Dex) had nothing but praise for the race. Unfortunately the time or the money issues never allowed me to do it. This year I was determined to train hard through the winter having quite a few training camps with my coaching client Scott, so I was sure I was going to be well prepared to go for the 24h race record (500miles, by the way). And on December 10th, 2013 in the early morning I finally bought the plane ticket to Florida. A few hours later I was lying in the hospital with dislocated and broken shoulder and some torn ligaments, wandering what the hell happened on that slippery road.
V petek, 31. januarja, se je v Športnem centru Millenium BTC v Ljubljani odvijalo že 9. Dobrodelno 24-urno kolesarjenje z Markom Balohom, enim najboljših ultra-kolesarjev na svetu. Marku se je pridružilo okoli 100 kolesarjev, ki so skupaj zbirali sredstva za nakup svetlobnih teles Wheel Bee. Svetlobne lučke bodo podarili otrokom na otroškem kolesarskem Maratonu Franja BTC City.