For me the World Championships 24h Time Trial was not the closing race of the season 2012, but in fact one of the preparatory races for RAAM 2013 in which I would once again like to compete for the top spot of the podium. Considering that fact, my goal was to ride my own race without watching the other racers too much and try to beat the magic mark of 500 miles in 24 hours.


Marko Baloh not only wrote a book about cycling, but he wrote down his life.

And I wouldn't be surprised if with words printed on paper, he wouldn't change someone else's life, too.

From the narration by Primoz Kalisnik.

After giving it a lot of thought and weighing of the quality of racing and competition, the financial input, and how many days of leave I still have, I made a decision somewhere in the June that after eight long years since the race organizer George Thomas has invited me to his race, I will finally attend Race Across Oregon RAO 2012. This is one of the most difficult qualifying races for RAAM in the United States, 840km long and with more than 12,000 climbing.



Kakor vsi že veste, sem v ponedeljek 25. junija 2012 poskušal izboljšati svetovni rekord v kronometru na 100 milj (160km 934m) na cesti. Svetovni rekord, ki spada pod okrilje svetovne ultra-kolesarske zveze (UMCA), je bil v rokah Američana Dana Mc Gheeja, postavljen je bil 6. marca 2011 na cestnem krogu v zvezni državi Arizona. Omenjeni rekord je znašal 3 ure 52 minut in 49 sekund, kar pomeni povprečno hitrost 41,475 km/h!

V nadaljevanju več o poteku:

Trenutni vrstni red na časovni postaji 37 je:
1. Reto Schoch v času 5dni 14ur 23min
2. Cristoph Strasser v času 5dni 14ur 51min
3. Gerhard Gulewicz na 34. TS v času 5dni 11ur 50min

On October 8th – 9th, 2010, Marko will attempt to break the World Indoor Track records for 24 hours and 1000km. Marko's goal is surpassing the magic barrier of 900km in 24 hours and try to cover 1000km in less than 28 hours. The event will be sanctioned by the Ultramarathon Cycling Association ( and the Guinness Book of Records.


V petek 1. februarja 2013 vas vabimo na Spinning maraton RAAM 2013 z Markom Balohom v Sokolu Laguna na Ježici v Ljubljani.


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