To conclude a hard RAAM training week I chose an interesting challenge, so-called Everesting. It is a challenge to ascent 8.849m (the height of Mt. Everest) in one push (without sleeping), with a bike of course.
Ob podpori družbe BTC in v sodelovanju s Športnim centrom Millenium bo v BTC City Ljubljana že 11. zapored potekalo 24-urno dobrodelno kolesarjenje z Markom Balohom. Enemu najboljših ultra-kolesarjev na svetu se lahko ljubitelji kolesarjenja pridružijo v petek in soboto, 29. in 30. januarja 2016, in z obiskom ali donacijo hrane z daljšim rokom uporabe izkažejo svojo podporo humanitarni organizaciji Anina zvezdica.
Minuli petek in soboto, 29. in 30. januarja 2016, je v Športnem centru Millenium ob podpori družbe BTC že 11. zapored potekalo 24-urno dobrodelno kolesarjenje. V družbi Marka Baloha, enega najboljših ultra-kolesarjev na svetu, je za dober namen pedala poganjalo 125 kolesarjev. V zbiralni akciji so obiskovalci dogodka zbrali več kot 500 kilogramov hrane z daljšim rokom uporabe, ves izkupiček pa je namenjen humanitarni organizaciji Anina zvezdica.
I wanted to write a long report on my preparation camp in Andalucia. Come to think of it, there is not much to write about. In 12 days of riding not one problem, incident or even honking. Andalucia is a perfect training ground for cyclists wanting to escape harsh Winter.
V soboto 30. decembra se lahko pridružite Marku Balohu na že tradicionalnem sedmem prednovoletnem kolesarjenju. Zaključimo skupaj leto 2017 in nazdravimo letu 2018 in Markovi osemnajsti sezoni v ultra-kolesarstvu.
Štartnine ni. Na voljo bodo Markovi koledarji za leto 2018, sprejemali bomo donacije za Markov sezono.
When the season 2015 approached, I was faced with the dillema how to make Tortour as well as PBP happen. The problem? Tortour started on Friday, August 14th and PBP on Sunday, August 16th. First one 1.030km and second 1.230km long.
Everyone who knows me, knows I love cycling and I love RAAM. Since my last participation in 2013, I've officiated in 2014 and was a crew chief in 2015. Those two experiences gave me a whole new outlook on the race and at the same time fueled my desire to use my new knowledge to better my result. My best time is 9 days and 2 hours and I am sure that I can do better than that. So, joining an elite club of sub 9 days finishers is the first goal. Could I win? I will give it my best shot, that is all I can promise. It is a dream I am pursuing and it would definitely be the highlight of my career.
The last weekend Marko achieved a new important victory - he became the new World Champion in 24 hour Time Trial! The race took place in Borrego Springs (California) from November 13th-14th, 2015. Marko had to work hard till the end of the race as the young guys were chasing him closely. He won with a new course record of 502,1 miles. Second place went to Peter Sandholt (Danemark) with 496,8 miles and the third place to Meurig James (Great Britain) with 492,0 miles.
These results are absolute. Of course Marko has also won his age category, as the 2nd and 3rd placed men were one category younger (30-39 years).
Join Marko Baloh for a 6 day training camp from July 28th to August 1st, with 4 days of long climbing stages (130-150km, 2.000-2.700m of climbing) over famous Slovenian mountain passes and one easy coffee (or if you prefer donut) ride to Bled.
- Stay in the 4* hotel BRDO,
- ride in Marko's company,
- with full SAG support from one of Marko's experienced crew members,
- the routes are climbing oriented, including the queen stage over famous Vrsic Pass (1.611m, 50 switchbacks),
- contact Marko about the pricing and registering, the spaces are limited to 10 cyclists.