Sreda, 09 September 2020 17:18

Predčasni konec sezone 2020

V petek 28. avgusta sem se udeležil ultrafonda Chasing Cancellara v Švici. Bil sem med okoli 500 udeleženci, ki smo kolesarili od Zuricha do Zermatta (280 km in 6500 višinskih metrov). Zgodilo se je naslednje:
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Sezona 2020 je edinstvena v tem (in upam, neponovljiva), da ni kolesarskih dirk/dogodkov. Da pomagam svojim zvestim sponzorjem do nekaj pozornosti javnosti, sem se odločil po desetih letih ponovno lotiti postavljanja svetovnega rekorda. Tokrat bo to rekord na 1000km, seveda pa spotoma računam še na vsaj nekaj krajših rekordov, nenazadnje 24-urnega na cesti, ki ga drži Christoph Strasser s 896,2km. 

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Četrtek, 25 Junij 2020 08:36

Virtual Race across the West 2020

We started thinking about virtual ultra-racing during the lockdown for Covid 19 Pandemic and it seemed such a lovely idea. Gave us something to work toward and kept us motivated in times we weren’t allowed to ride our bikes outside. Somewhere in mid May the restrictions in Slovenia were lifted so we could start riding our bikes outdoors again. Still with the season 2020 in the air, not knowing if any of the ultracycling races are going to be held at all, this was the event I was looking forward. Fulgaz and RAAM organisers were doing their best to bring a proper ultra race to the virtual platform. There were some glitches for Windows based system, but during the Test week all worked pretty good, with some drop downs here and there. Of course I was a bit worried about those, but never ever thought I would be complaining about the race course, which I love in real life.

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