Nedelja, 02 Avgust 2020 17:09

Rekordi so priznani s strani WUCA

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After all of the races being postponed through the 2020 season, I decided to do bring my loyal sponsors some attention and give them something to write about, by going for the World Record for the Fastest 1.000KM. On the way there were smaller fish to fry (11 shorter records on offer), the most important one being the 24h World Record. I was gunning for the 50+ records, but with an eye for the Overall, too, which is held be the great Christoph Strasser. More than anything I wanted to see how much slower (if any) I am 10 years after my finest hour - becoming the first person to ever cycle over 900km in 24 hours on a standard bike without drafting.

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Sezona 2020 je edinstvena v tem (in upam, neponovljiva), da ni kolesarskih dirk/dogodkov. Da pomagam svojim zvestim sponzorjem do nekaj pozornosti javnosti, sem se odločil po desetih letih ponovno lotiti postavljanja svetovnega rekorda. Tokrat bo to rekord na 1000km, seveda pa spotoma računam še na vsaj nekaj krajših rekordov, nenazadnje 24-urnega na cesti, ki ga drži Christoph Strasser s 896,2km. 

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Za pravilno delovanje strani uporabljamo piškotke. Podrobnosti na povezavi.

Sprejemam piskotke.