My personal stats for our 24h Indoor Cycling for a Charity

I drank 23,2l of fluids, more exact 31 bottles of 7dcl and 3x5dcl of water.


The calorie intake:

Together 9.100kCal


The calories burned:

15.600kCal (source TrainingPeaks)

The calorie intake:

- Perpeteum 15x260kCal = 3.900kCal

- Sustained Energy 8x215kCal = 1.720kCal

- Hammer gel 8x85kCal = 680kCal

- Heed 8 x100kCal = 800kCal

- bars Mobberley Cakes 4x410kCal = 1.640kCal

- 1 banana 100kCal

- a couple of pieces of chocolate 260kCal

Together 9.100kCal

The calories burned:

15.600kCal (source TrainingPeaks)

On Zwift in 24 hours 847,7km with 3.405m of climbing. Rest stops 22 minutes, riding time 23h 38min. Average power 192W, average speed for the ride (stops excluded) 35,9km/h.

I am a bit less satisfied with the statistics for the donations. Over the weekend we have raised 655€, so not even 1€ for a kilometer. :(  Luckily my long time sponsor BTC d.d. and chairman of the board Mr. Mermal added the sum for 5 bikes. So together we will be able to buy 8 or 9 bikes for underprivileged children. I am sure the kids will be very happy!

We still have a couple of days for donations, so why not donate some more and make it ten bikes for kids? The donations through PayPal to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Thank you!

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