Happy Birthday Erik!

For sure you are all waiting for the news. sorry about that, there was low internet coverage and one “don’t wanna work’ charger for my laptop. But believe me, it’s still just the beginning, will be lot’s to say. But the most important news today is....our sun Erik has a birthday!


Don’t know exactly how the tracking is working, hope you find some usful data. We are trying to livestream the event, but that is when the data coverage is there. And since we are steel leap-froging, you don’t see Marko a lot. You have to consider also the time zone, can be up to 9 hours...

So let’s say something about our star Marko. The begining of this years race was very hard, you can see it looking to the times most of the other racers. Just Christopher Strasser, who is the current leader, is keeping the times as last year, others are at least 2 hours behind. All of this is probably because of the high temperatures, well over 40°C, hard profile (we went over 2200m) and strong winds. Marko planed to start slowly this year and considering the circumstances this was a good decidion. We are now in Kayenta, the Indian teritory, where Marko will take the first sleep. After the start he did some short stops for massage and toilet otherwise he is on his bike, now over 39 hours.

Aftert the last time station in Flagstaff, where Dani Wyss just overtook us, we lost the third position, second is Reto Schoch. The difference between the riders is few hours and after tonight here will be some changes, considering most of the riders will take the sleep break.

In the first 24 hours Marko drank 23 liters of fluid and he is consuming half liquid half solid food regime. As you probably noticed he is taking Winforce food nutrition in combination of slovenian Turbo Katka bars and some other solid food like sandwiches and pasta. The nutrition is very important at this competition and for now it’s workinf fine.

We are also trying to cool Marko down us much as possible. That is very hard, because it looks like the water evaporates even before it comes to Marko.

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