I rode 873,9km with 1.300m of climbing on Zwift in 24 hours. Rest stops 15 minutes, riding time 23h 45min. Average power 184W, average speed for the ride (stops excluded) 36,4km/h.



Vabljeni na projekcijo filma Red Bull Trans-Siberian Extreme 2015-2018, v torek ob 18h v Kongresni dvorani Kristalne palače v ljubljanskem BTC Cityju.

Na dirki bo letos prvič nastopil tudi slovenski kolesar Marko Baloh.

Predstavitev bo v torek, 28. januarja z začetkom ob 18. uri v kongresni dvorani v Kristalni palači, Ameriška ulica 8, Ljubljana.

Bodoči udeleženec Marko Baloh, desetkratni udeleženec dirke čez ZDA RAAM, večkratni svetovni rekorder in svetovni prvak v 24-urni vožnji na čas, bo predstavil svoje načrte. 
Spregovoril bo tudi direktor dirke Paul Bruck.

Prosim za potrditev udeležbe na email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


As a preparation for his Red Bull Trans Siberian Extreme 2020, Marko organizes the 15th Indoor Cycling for a Charity! This year the funds raised will be used to buy food for under privileged families through Zveza prijateljev mladine Moste-Polje. Join Marko on Zwift and make a donation through DONATE link on Marko's website or through PayPal to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can find Marko on Wattopia (Tempus Fugit Route) from Friday January 24th at noon until Saturday January 25th 2020 at noon.

Livestream here

Supporters: Vzivo Prenos * jrobic.com * BTC City * Zveza prijateljev mladine * Hervis * 4Endurance

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